The Goal

We intend to restore the fundamental necessities and environmental awareness of the species through the advocation of the most current understandings of who and what we truly are, coupled with how science, nature and technology (rather than religion, politics, and money) hold the keys to our personal growth, not only as individual human beings but as a civilization, both structurally and spiritually.

The Current System

We live in a society that produces scarcity. The consequence of this is that human beings must behave in self-preserving ways, even if it means they have to cheat and steal in order to get what they want. The monetary system REWARDS scarcity, waste, pollution, and overproduction.

What Must Be Done

We must begin to transition out of these oppressive ideals and move towards a system which is designed to support human beings...not force them to fight in order to survive. Our current methods of social conduct have proven to have no chance in resolving the problems of environmental destruction, human conflict, poverty, corruption, or any other issue the reduces the possibility of collective human sustainability on our planet. The bottom line is that in order to change things for the better fundamentally, you must begin to address the root causes. We have to start somewhere. The most important step is education.

The Venus Project

Consisting of the life work of social engineer Jacque Fresco, The Venus Project constitutes the application of the scientific method for social concern. Through the humane application of Science and Technology to social design and decision-making, we have the means to transform our tribalistic, scarcity driven, corruption filled environment into something exceeding more organized, balanced, humane, sustainable, and productive.

Join the Mailing List

If you are new to the movement and want to get involved, send an email to and you will be added to the mailing list in which you will receive updates of the movements activities, including meeting times and locations.

Friday, August 13, 2010



The August 7th Meeting was again a success. We spent the time ironing out plans for the MSU initiative. Fortunetely, we have another week to prepare. So we will set up on MSU campus on the weekend of August 28th.

What we still need:

- A table and a couple of chairs. We really won't need too many people. But if there are enough people willing to participate, we could possibly set up a couple tables on different parts of the campus.

- Flyers. We are gonna hold off making our own flyers for this event. But if you still would like to design something, by all means go for it. But for now, we are going to use some of the flyers from

We have an individual producing DVD's that have Addendum, Money as Debt, and Story of Stuff. So we should be set on DVD's

The next meeting will be on August 21. It will again be at the MSU Union in the Main Lounge at 1 PM. This will be one week prior to the MSU event. I've been getting lots of emails from more people who want to get involved. If you are one of them, please make it to the next meeting.

We especially need people who are attending MSU to create a Registered Student Organization. To what I understand we need at least on student and a professor or grad student to qualify. By doing this we can set up lectures, screenings of related videos, and a possible place for next years Z-Day.

If you want to get involved, don't wait, just send a email to and attend the bi-weekly meetngs.



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