The Goal

We intend to restore the fundamental necessities and environmental awareness of the species through the advocation of the most current understandings of who and what we truly are, coupled with how science, nature and technology (rather than religion, politics, and money) hold the keys to our personal growth, not only as individual human beings but as a civilization, both structurally and spiritually.

The Current System

We live in a society that produces scarcity. The consequence of this is that human beings must behave in self-preserving ways, even if it means they have to cheat and steal in order to get what they want. The monetary system REWARDS scarcity, waste, pollution, and overproduction.

What Must Be Done

We must begin to transition out of these oppressive ideals and move towards a system which is designed to support human beings...not force them to fight in order to survive. Our current methods of social conduct have proven to have no chance in resolving the problems of environmental destruction, human conflict, poverty, corruption, or any other issue the reduces the possibility of collective human sustainability on our planet. The bottom line is that in order to change things for the better fundamentally, you must begin to address the root causes. We have to start somewhere. The most important step is education.

The Venus Project

Consisting of the life work of social engineer Jacque Fresco, The Venus Project constitutes the application of the scientific method for social concern. Through the humane application of Science and Technology to social design and decision-making, we have the means to transform our tribalistic, scarcity driven, corruption filled environment into something exceeding more organized, balanced, humane, sustainable, and productive.

Join the Mailing List

If you are new to the movement and want to get involved, send an email to and you will be added to the mailing list in which you will receive updates of the movements activities, including meeting times and locations.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Website

If you have been following this site, or have just stumbled upon, we are no longer using this site as a primary communication for the Mid-Michigan Chapter. Go to and here you can register and and be able to log on and submit posts and comments to the forum were we can engage in conversation outside of the meetings. I will still keep the email address open and if you have any questions you can reach me here.



Monday, October 4, 2010

October 2nd Meeting / NEXT MEETING October 16th


Last Saturday's meeting was great. We spent most of the time discussing things for the new website. You can check it out at We are using the basic template from the movement but we are going to make our own changes to make the site as original as possible. The main page has been the biggest focus because we are creating the site for people who have not heard of the movement before. What a lot of sites (including the global site) have done is have paragraphs upon paragraphs of text that I think would certainly deter people from taking the time to understand what the movement stands for. We came up with having a series of slideshows. One will explain the Cashflow Quadrant (check it out on google if you haven't heard of it), and another that will show problems within Michigan (Unemployment data, etc). The point is to make the first page outline the problems since the whole site is dedicated to the solution.

WHAT WE NEED YOU TO DO: Submit any and all ideas and topics that should be covered on this main page. We have a few people working on this, but we need everybody's input if the website is going to be at all effective. Send any text or images to

We had someone check out Michigan Energy Options. They are going to have a meeting this Saturday but is by invite only. Nate will be attending this meeting and will give us feedback about it at our next meeting on October 16th.

For those who didn't catch Peter's last radio address, Zeitgeist - Moving Forward is going to be released in January. His plan is to have a global screening of the film. This is a great idea and it is something we should start preparing for.

WHAT WE NEED YOU TO DO: Contact any local movie theaters and 1) see if they would let us rent a theater for a few hours to show the movie and host a Q and A, and 2) see how much it will cost. From what I understand theaters make the bulk of their money on concessions, so they may not have a problem letting us show the movie.

We are also going to be contacting MSU professors to get a Registered Student Organization moving quicker. Going right to the staff may be the best way of getting the wheels turning on this project since we don't have any MSU students in the chapter yet.

WHAT WE NEED YOU TO DO: If you are good at writing, please draft a letter to one of them. If you know any of the faculty at the school, more power to us. Send the draft to me at and I will distribute it to the other members for feedback.

As stated above, the next meeting will be Saturday, October 16th. Again this will be at the main lounge of the MSU Union. Parking is a little rough because of the football season. There is a public parking garage on Bailey St. Its about 4 or 5 blocks from Abbot Road, so its a little bit to walk. The attendance for these meetings have not been too impressive the last couple months. If you are on this mailing list, you NEED to be at the meeting. I'm going to start insisting that everyone RSVPs for the meeting so that I know what kind of turnout we are going to have this way there isn't time wasted waiting for people to show up. At this point there is no reason why we can't have 20 people attend a meeting. So whether or not you can make it let me know at

Hope to hear from you.



Monday, September 20, 2010

September 18th Meeting / NEXT MEETING October 2nd


Last Saturday's meeting was absolutely great. We were able to cover lots of ground, and also got to see a few new faces.

Here is what we covered:

1) Debrief of MSU Initiative / Future Initiatives: This so far hasn't brought any new people to the movement. I have not received any new emails from people who were at MSU that day. In the future, we are going to set up a tent (come rain, shine, sleet or snow), possibly with a TV set up showing a Zeitgeist related video. We will get lots of attention if we are serving hot chocolate and/or coffee. From here we can pass out DVDs and flyers. Another great approach would be to take emails from people who pass by. It's better to go to them, then wait for them to come to us. A day to do this again is yet to be determined.

2) Recognized Student Organizations: Still waiting on this subject. This one is a priority, though. If you attend MSU or know someone who attends MSU, we need to have their support so that we can get established in MSU. But MSU isn't our only focus, this applies to any college or school. We had an individual attend the meeting last week who is going to set up at Adrian College and start a chapter in the area. I have also received an email from an individual from the S.E. Chapter who is trying to get momentum started at Wayne State. If you know anyone at Wayne State, please let me know and I will give you his email.

3) New Website: This is beginning to come to fruition. We are using a chapter template for the Mid-Michigan website. While it isn't finished yet, you can see it for yourself at We have someone working on this now, but if you or someone you know has Web Design experience, we can use all the help we can get. The new site will have lots of functionality, such as member registration/login, a forum for members to post topics and communicate, any tools that we use, such as flyers, pamphlets, DVD torrents, will be available for download.

4) Creating Awareness / New Media: There have lots of ideas of things we can make to help spread awareness. Some ideas we have going at this time are: Bus Benches (renting a space of a bus bench, creating an ad, basically), Magnets (possibly something to put on your car), Bumper Stickers, Key Chains, Buttons, Business Cards, T-Shirts. We have an individual who has been making DVDs for us and has about 250 ready to go. I think it would be great if we could put CD labels on them so that they look more presentable. If you have creative skills and would like to help make some of these things, please do so. And also if you have any original ideas or creations, please either email me at or come to a future meeting and show off your creations.

5) Contact Peter Joseph: We are still in the beginning stages of the chapter and even the movement itself. Our number one goal right now is creating awareness. I'm going to send Peter an email asking for any suggestion he may have to make this chapter more effective.

We have a lot to do. But nothing is going to happen if no one is putting forth the initiative to make it happen, so if you are on the mailing list or seeing the website for the first time, GET INVOLVED. If you don't know what to do, send me an email, tell me what your expertise is and I'll find something for you to do.

The next meeting will be Saturday October 2nd. Again, the meeting will take place at the MSU Union Main Lounge. The Union is right off from Abbot Road on Grand River on MSU Campus. There are usually football games going on during these days so finding a parking spot can be tricky on campus. There is a parking garage located a few blocks East of Abbot Road, Bailey Road I believe. There is a Blockbuster on the same block. Anyways this parking garage has no tollbooth so you can park for free here. The meeting will start at 1 PM. If you are lost or have any questions, give me a call at 517-304-3104 and leave a message. I'm a little weary answering numbers I don't know, but if you leave a message I will call you back.


Casey Brockway

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

MSU Initiative / NEXT MEETING September 18th


It is to my delight to say that this last Saturday's endeavor of spreading awareness throught MSU and East Lansing was quite a success. Things didn't work out entirely as planned, however things we much better than expected. One there was the football game, so there were people everywhere. So instead of setting up a table, a group of us walked through MSU campus and the stores along Grand River in East Lansing handing out DVD's, putting pamphlets on windshield wipers, and putting flyers up in the stores. And as I had expected, we had run into a few individuals who had heard of the movement and support it. With hope, they will be onboard with us. I would very much like to do this again in the near future. If you want to be involved in the movement, you have to do your part. Like Jacque Fresco says, "If you do nothing about it, I guarentee you that nothing will happen."

With that said, I have the next meeting scheduled for Saturday, September 18th. Again at 1:00 PM at MSU Union's Main Lounge. We found out, this last Saturday, that the Union is set up for people who want to watch the game. But there are some tables off to the right when you walk into the main lounge we can meet. I think that having the meeting out in the open will draw some attention for us. But that's only going to be effective, it we have everybody there. So if you are on this email list, please make it out. If you are not on the email list, then email me at

A few things that I think should be discussed for the next meeting:
-Debrief of last Satuday

-Future Initiatives

-Recognized Student Organizations at MSU, LCC, and any other schools

-The NEW Website and all its content

-Ways of becoming more personally active with the movement

-Ways of creating awareness

-Michigan Energy Options (If you have time during the week to visit this place, please do. We need to find out what these people can

do get someone competely off the grid. They are located at 405 Grove St. in East Lansing (Right around

the corner from the Library). You can also visit their website at

-New media (If you can make DVD's for the movement, we need them. We went throught our whole supply this last Saturday.)
If there is something that is on your mind that isnt on this list, then email me at and/or come to the next meeting on the 18th.


Monday, August 30, 2010

MSU Initiative THIS SATURDAY!!!!


I am very happy to announce that we are ready for the Initiative this weekend at MSU. We have a table secured and a ton of DVD's, as well as pamplets. If you are planning on coming, come prepared with about 30 flyers each. We are going to need more flyers after this last weekend. We put up a ton of them all around MSU campus. Hopefully, they will all still be there. I have one that I made attached. Also check out this link: There are some really awesome materials on here. I highly recommend checking them out.

We are going to meet at the MSU Union's Main Lounge at 12:00 PM. Once everybody is there, we will set up at about 12:15 PM.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Saturday, please email me. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21 Meeting / NEXT WEEK Pass Out Flyers


I am very pleased to say that the August 21 meetings by far the best and most productive meeting of them all. We had several new faces show who had lots of great ideas to bring to the table. Some of the things discussed included:

-The MSU Initiative: We are actually going to postpone this one more week. We figured that the arriving students will be spending more time moving in, unpacking and getting settled in to even be able to focus attention on anything we are doing. So we will do this on September 4th. Depending on weather conditions, we will be able to set up a table outside, or if it comes to it, we will set up in the MSU Union. We will be handing out flyers, pamphlets and copies of Zeitgeist: Addendum, in addition to talking with the people who are interested in the movement. This is THE event that is going to help us up our numbers. Once we have enough people we can focus attention of the activities of individual teams.

-The New Website: This one is going to be an ongoing project. The first step is to link the new domain to the Blogspot site. The new domain will be Keep in mind, it isn't set up yet. But once it is, we can start putting it on other media like flyers and DVDs. After that is done, we can focus on remodeling the site. Blogspot is very limited and it forces you to put everything on one page.

The new website will have several pages for new or involved people to have lots of info and interaction. The homepage is going to be the most important for it will be the first impression for any new people. So it should have things that would be appealing to someone who has never heard of the movement. Things like explaining the current system and society would be ideal because then the ideas we propose will have more relevance.

There will also be links to sites not only in support of the movement but also against it. By doing so, people will be able to have multiple perspectives on the movement as a whole. But most of the videos I've seen against the movement are actually quite entertaining for they really don't argue the movement itself, but arguing little facts that are in Peter Joseph's videos, mainly the Christianity stuff.

There will also be a forum in which people will be able to interact with one another and discuss issues related to the movement. There will be more on this later though.

-Registered Student Organization: This will become more priority after the MSU Initiative because it will require people who are in MSU to do this. I absolutely encourage new students to do what they can, but someone who is not attending for their first year may be more suitable because they would know how things work around the school and also know the faculty, because we do need to be endorsed by at least one professor or grad student.

-Pass Out Flyers: Since the MSU Initiative is being postponed one more week, we can at least take advantage of the time not only to prepare for the event but to get the word out to East Lansing that the movement is alive and well in the area. I think more people are aware of the movement as a whole, but don't realize that people are actually getting involved. So what we are going to do is put flyers up all over the MSU campus and even the stores around the area as well. This is an open invite to anyone who has been wanting to get involved to get started. If you would like to come out, please print your own flyer. It can be an original or you can go to for some ideas. Anything on the website can be used.

We are going to meet at MSU Union's Main Lounge at 1PM on August 28 before hitting the streets. If you want to take part in this please send me an email to for more details.



Friday, August 13, 2010



The August 7th Meeting was again a success. We spent the time ironing out plans for the MSU initiative. Fortunetely, we have another week to prepare. So we will set up on MSU campus on the weekend of August 28th.

What we still need:

- A table and a couple of chairs. We really won't need too many people. But if there are enough people willing to participate, we could possibly set up a couple tables on different parts of the campus.

- Flyers. We are gonna hold off making our own flyers for this event. But if you still would like to design something, by all means go for it. But for now, we are going to use some of the flyers from

We have an individual producing DVD's that have Addendum, Money as Debt, and Story of Stuff. So we should be set on DVD's

The next meeting will be on August 21. It will again be at the MSU Union in the Main Lounge at 1 PM. This will be one week prior to the MSU event. I've been getting lots of emails from more people who want to get involved. If you are one of them, please make it to the next meeting.

We especially need people who are attending MSU to create a Registered Student Organization. To what I understand we need at least on student and a professor or grad student to qualify. By doing this we can set up lectures, screenings of related videos, and a possible place for next years Z-Day.

If you want to get involved, don't wait, just send a email to and attend the bi-weekly meetngs.

